Thursday, December 4, 2014

What Happened to The 43?

The Ayotzinapa school is a public school located in Inguala Guerrero, where only sons of poor citizens or farmers are allowed to attend. The goal of this school is to train future teachers. In this school are also thought several values that many poor children are lack the opportunity to learn.

Many believe that these students were abducted because they were protesting against the mayor's (Jose Luis  Abarca) wife (Maria De Los Angeles Pineda), and because the students were protesting the mayor decided to take such actions. Another idea going around is that of the cartels tuning these cities gave the order to make a point. This idea could be more then likely the problem because many of the government officials get to their positions with drug cartel money and there for to repay they must obey the orders from the drug leaders.

The Mexican citizens demand for answer as well as the parents. They argue that their protest around the country will not stop until their sons and appear alive

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