Thursday, January 15, 2015

U.S. After W.W.1

This is the logo of the League of Nations.
After experiencing the treacheries of The Great War, Americans quickly gained many fears in the years that followed. Some of the more prominent fears that developed were such fears of immigrants, the world around them, and changes in their ideals.

Their fears of immigrants and those not native to America came about from the U.S. Having to send soldiers across an ocean to fight a war that they attempted to stay out of. This problem grew over time, and eventually led to the formation of the Klu-Klux-Klan. The klan or KKK are a group of white males of European ancestry who were born in America, are there enemies.

Idealism or the Idea of the perfect world also caused a stir in the public. As a radical ideal such as communism developed and gained recognition, a,Erica s feared that their way of life would be taken from them.

The League of Nations was an early version of what the United Nations is today., however the league was very weak in comparison. Proposed by the U.S. After World War 1, the main goal of the league was to prevent any more world wars from happening. However even though the U.S. organized the League, they were not members.
These are the countries that are and were part of the League of Nations.

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